What are you playing at the moment?

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I recently picked up Kena: Bridge of Spirits and Tales of Arise on the PSN sale. I've been playing through Kena all week and I'll probably finish it tonight. I fucking love everything about this game. It's incredibly gorgeous, plays beautifully with a good amount of mechanics that are fun to engage with, and has a pleasant vibe and atmosphere, even during the combat and darker parts of the story. People weren't kidding about the bosses either. The game is deceptively difficult and the bosses are tough but for the most part, very tightly designed and fair. Overall it's just a great mashup of old school action-platformers and classic Zelda design.

Looking for to starting Arise after this. I've been itching to dig deep into a big RPG.

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Currently playing Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not a huge fan of the comicbook series, but I've seen both films and thought they were decent enough. But what I liked about the game leading up to its release, was the original comic book art of the characters and them not being based of the MCU live action cast. Turns out the game itself is really good with a great presentation, storyline, and decent combat gameplay.

Halo Infinite is another game I'm playing thanks to Game Pass on PC. It's really good. It's everything you like about Halo in a decent open world setting. Really, they should have went full open world a long time ago, and I honestly don't see how they can go back to the close spaced gameplay of the old games after this. Maybe they don't plan to, hence the word Infinite.

Future games I'll be playing include: Scarlet Nexus, Psychonats 2, Outriders, Forza 5, Tell Me Why, and much more.

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Quite a few things.

On my PS4- I’m trying to finish up Mass Effect: Andromeda. Bought it on a sale solely because I was curious. Buggy as hell still, but I’m surprised the story is hooking me.

Switch- Should be playing Metroid: Dread, however I got into Dying Light: Platinum Edition

And recently bought a Series S and really pushing it to the limit with… Fallout 3. I also have plans with friends to start Back 4 Blood when everyone comes home from their respective vacations.

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@shindig: What about the DLC rubs you the wrong way? So far, I just got to Ithryll and at soul level 52. I tried the snowy DLC area about twenty soul levels back and it seemed punishing for my level (I'm also not a pro Souls player).

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I am playing the hottest new banger Bayonetta 1 through my Series X. Kinda neat that I was able to pop my 360 disc into this fancy new console and it just plays it. Synched my achievements and everything. Too bad saves didn't go into the cloud during the 360 era but what can you do.

Next I've already downloaded Final Fantasy XIII-2 through Game Pass. I enjoyed FFXIII and I hear the sequel improves on all the systems so hey why not? I need to kill some time before Elden Ring comes out!

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Just finished: Horizon Zero Dawn. Finished my first playthrough. Was not anticipating the sequel at all when it was revealed but now I'm hooked. Eager to see how combat is expanded upon: encounters reminded me a little bit of the openness of MGSV (though not the nearly same level of arsenal) but the meat of most encounters are the actual metal gears and there are now a dozen varieties of them and they will overhear the battle you're in the middle of from across the map and interrupt it, ad infinitum.

On-going: Demon's Souls. Just going through this slowly as I wait for Elden Ring. It's very good.

13 Sentinels. The combination of ensemble adventure and strategy on the surface reminded me a little of Pyre, which is very appealing to me. After finishing the prologue and seeing that battle and adventure mode are progressed separately has disorientated me somewhat. Curious to see how this goes / how and if it all comes together.

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Seems like I'm always backlogged with games. Current one is Persona 4 on the PC, but I'm also working on the Halo Infinite campaign.

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#208  Edited By Nodima

After spending a bunch of time this past year declaring with decent confidence Horizon: Zero Dawn is my game of the decade, I decided what better way to get excited for Forbidden West than play the game a third time. Initially I figured I'd just start another NG+ but on Normal instead of Ultra Hard and barrel through the story, but I found that to be a fairly unrewarding experience since my endgame Aloy was so OP and stocked up.

So instead I started a regular New Game on Very Hard! I didn't want to deal with some of the bullshit of Ultra (mainly, the Glinthawks being mind reading assholes) but didn't want to breeze through Normal given my experience with the game. It's still funny to me how afraid I was of even the most basic enemies for several hours when I first played this game, now it's all about confidence. I'm even using melee more than I ever have just to switch things up and finding it is tactically useful against smaller enemies even if the animation priority is still all out of whack.

Anyway, I'm finding a game that's a fair bit rougher than I remember, though that also has a lot to do with playing on a PS5 at 60fps with HDR activated. While the 60fps is much appreciated during gameplay and the HDR is often quite striking for a four year old game (though, Red Dead Redemption II really came out a year after this...) it's clear that the dialogue mode wasn't designed for either. The audio sometimes is audibly racing to catch up to animations or just plain glitching in and out, while the depth of field is bizarrely awful half the time, which also feels related to the increase in frame rendering. I'd also somehow forgotten just how much reading and collecting there is in this game despite having just played it all the way through two years ago, but it's fine since pretty much all of the item-based lore and text in this game is interesting to read even knowing the basics of all of it.

Lastly, the combat is still beautiful chaos. As I get the bigger and better weapons and fight bigger and badder robots...man I can't wait. What a game. It's been weird and fun not having the practical invincibility of a fully leveled Aloy with the shield weave armor for the first time in years.

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Warframe, Hitman (2016), A Plague Tale, and Minecraft.

I finished Halo Infinite a while ago and I'll go back to it once they add co-op.

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@shindig: What about the DLC rubs you the wrong way? So far, I just got to Ithryll and at soul level 52. I tried the snowy DLC area about twenty soul levels back and it seemed punishing for my level (I'm also not a pro Souls player).

That's one of the things. I spent most of my timing running from bonfire to bonfire. When I get to the bosses, my damage output is fine but I struggle against putting away the standard level fodder. Plus they seemed to look at the multiple phase bosses of Bloodborne and made that the standard. It works in Bloodborne, not so much in DS3.

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My running thought for my first ten hours into GTA Online solo is "I rather be bored than frustrated."

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The PS 5 version of Skyrim. I got to admit, that game is actually kind of boring. It's a whole lot, but it's the same over and over.

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The PS 5 version of Skyrim. I got to admit, that game is actually kind of boring. It's a whole lot, but it's the same over and over.

I also got into Skyrim again, looks great but a lot of the same thing.

Still enjoy when the game super bugs out!

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#214  Edited By theonewhoplays

Guardians of the Galaxy on PS5. Pretty enjoyable but the amount of cut-off dialogue (even during scripted sequences) and general audio glitches is driving me up the wall. I'm talking fights where the characters are remarking on music that isn't actually playing, and random sentences missing during cutscenes, incorrect subtitles and so on. Also there's often slow-down and I've seen some really icky texture issues and pop-in. I'm honestly shocked how little I can find about all the technical issues, and I would have waited if I knew about them.

I am generally careful about not running ahead of the story in these kinds of games but I still get interrupted dialogue constantly unless I immediately drop the controller every time someone opens their mouth. Worst of all, every time you can select a response for Peter you aren't allowed to actually let the team finish their dialogue since your response will timeout. Some times Peter will wait to actually respond until they're done but most of the time he will cut off their dialogue.

Also, during gameplay most of the characters shout their dialogue 95% of the time even when there is no reason for it. Just weird decisions by the devs.

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#215  Edited By AV_Gamer

Finished Guardians of the Galaxy, finished Halo Infinite campaign, and powered my way through 12 Minutes. Guardians had a better conclusion IMO, while Infinite ended with a lot questions and the world being a lot smaller than it seemed. Overall, its still a basic Halo campaign, with nice open world window dressing. 12 Minutes is something else. The indie game has mixed reviews, and I'm on the side that likes it overall. I say regardless of what is being said, I recommend you play the game and experience it for yourself before judging.

Next up: Psychonats 2, Scarlet Nexus, with some Back4Blood thrown in.

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Various Switch games to evaluate the BinBok joy-cons that I got last Sunday (1/23/22).

The D-pad is not great, if not outright terrible for platformers. I had to open up one of the joy-cons and adjust a piece of plastic shielding between some solder points and a ribbon cable to fix the unstable connection it was having while physically attached to the console. And the the plus and minus buttons wouldn't work with the joy-cons' latest firmware update. But, after fixing the latter two issues, the joy-cons make using the Switch significantly more comfortable as a handheld system.

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Well, I just got my PS5 finally, so naturally I’m playing through Valkyria Chronicles on my PC. And Vampire Survivors. I’ll get to Demon’s Souls remake eventually, at least until I get Elden Ring on PC.

….fuck, why did I even buy this?

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@tartyron: If it makes you feel any better, I've probably spent most of my time on my PS5 playing Yakuza 3 through 5... which are PS3 games.

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#219  Edited By tartyron

@nodima: I actually bought a PS3 in 2016 specifically to play the Yakuza games, and nothing else. No regrets on that one, those games are worth it. Well, except maybe 3. Everything has its low point, it’s still good, just not as good.

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@tartyron said:

Well, I just got my PS5 finally, so naturally I’m playing through Valkyria Chronicles on my PC. And Vampire Survivors. I’ll get to Demon’s Souls remake eventually, at least until I get Elden Ring on PC.

….fuck, why did I even buy this?

I ask myself the same question in regards to me buying a PS4 Pro back in early 2019, only to eventually buy a Switch and a $4,000 PC and use the latter two more often.

It happens to the best of us.

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Hitman trilogy and idle Slayer.

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@tartyron: For me, I would personally treat consoles as collectible items.

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I just started playing rFactor 2, so far the physics are excellent for Sim Racing standards.

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#224  Edited By Padakodart

Disco Elysium ! Yeah yeah I know it's a bit late for this one... ;)

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About to finish Yakuza Kiwami on Xbox and for some inexplicable reason, Far Cry 5 on PC.

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#226  Edited By FacelessVixen

Another game that I bought on Steam after playing it on Game Pass (the first being Scarlet Nexus); since apparently the $1 I payed for Game Pass is serving the purpose of letting me try certain games before buying them, at least until March.

Gear.Club Unlimited.
I wouldn't put this in my top ten of favorite racing games, but it is satiating my need for a racing game that isn't Mario Kart or in the same vein as Mario Kart for the Switch. Besides, I really don't need to buy Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise for a fourth time each.

Edit 2/7/22: Dying Light 1
The sequel kinda put me in the mood to revisit this. But the level scaling is kinda taking away from me just wanting to kill some zombies with minimal effort, so my attention has shifted to...

Binary Domain
Because I bought on Steam many years ago and didn't play it until now. It was either this, Onee Chanbara Origin, re-play Estival Versus, or Bullet Witch.

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#227  Edited By spacegg

Star Citizen Alpha PU 3.16.1


Paperboy: I finally put my Commodore 64 back into action and along with hw/sw hacking I wanted to beat few games which still comes to my dreams. Paperboy will be the first one.

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Crosscode, an ambitious and very long indie JRPG from Germany (I think). I would like to finish it before Elden Ring, but they recently released story DLC. Definitely recommending it, but you need to be prepared for a lot of puzzles in the dungeons. It really should be called a JRPG/Puzzle game.

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God Eater 3 on Switch despite buying and barely playing the Steam version two years ago. I wanna use my Switch more often and the 30 frames is very consistent, so this version works for me for when I don't want to be at my desk all day.

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#231  Edited By Nocall

I’m about 12 hours into FF7 remake and struggling to stay interested. Seems like the game is 75% slowly running from place to place uninterrupted, 20% cutscenes, and 5% combat. I like the combat, though. They made Barret super annoying. Tifa’s ridiculous fan-service figure makes me roll my eyes during every scene she’s in. I can’t believe folks were complaining her new outfit was too conservative, smh. Aerith, Cloud, Jessie and Biggs seem to work, though.

I dunno, I feel like I’m close to the end and should just power through.

On the other hand, I might just poke around with Path of Exile (a game I like, but don’t remotely understand all the systems) until Elden Ring releases.

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#232  Edited By danielmarsh349

I have played many online games on mobile free of cost. Nowadays I enjoy golf tips & facts on gaming clubs.

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Cyber Punk 2077 on the Xbox and Skyward Sword HD

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I'm simultaneously playing Elden Ring, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Cyberpunk 2077. As I only have roughly an hour every second day to play anything, it will probably take the whole year for me to play through all three.

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Pokemon Sword.

Let's Go is a nice nostalgia trip, but a part of me wanted the traditional mechanics for catching and training since the motion controls are overstaying their welcome. So, despite Sword and Shield not being the massive leap from Sun and Moon that most people wanted, and I agree with the argument for wanting voice acting (I imagining Hop being voiced by Yuri Lowenthal), I'm still pretty impressed by Sword so far.

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I'm juggling couple of games right now:

  • Suikoden 1, streaming on Twitch
  • AdVenture Capitalist
  • Clicker Heroes
  • √Letter Last Answer, getting all the remaining endings added in this version
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Playing Elden Ring aka 3 hours so far making that big bird run off a cliff

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#242  Edited By FacelessVixen

I was thinking about doing another run of Dark Souls 1 because I finally caught up with Reggie finishing the game. But now I'm really motivated to doing another run just to shake off some people being mad because they're bad.

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#243  Edited By brian_

I went back to Eternal Sonata, which has been setting on my shelf, unfinished, for at least a decade now. Think I might finish it this time. Maybe after that, I should go back to Ar Nosurge, also sitting in my unfinished pile, after buying it on release day, which the wiki says was almost eight years ago.

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#244  Edited By nina123

Hey everyone, Now a days I am playing a cooking game just to time pass but it seems very interesting game and I think I am addicted of this COOKING GAME because recently I buy some diamonds to complete the levels of this game.

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#245  Edited By wollywoo

I played an hour or so of OlliOlliWorld. It is chill and feels good to play. Looks to be my next podcast-listening game.

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#246  Edited By bybeach

It seems like all my yesterdays have been Elden Ring. I do suspect all my tomorrows will be again, Elden Ring.

And of course, today was Elden Ring, wanting to continue Sorceress Sellen's quest, but finding a Boss-fight in Castle Redmane that kicked my ass two weeks ago, but perhaps, I have a chance now. It's those two assholes who hang right by the grace in the Castle.

All things have become Elden Ring.

But I have been building up an interest in other games, and besides others, it seems like Cyberpunk has finally baked long enough to be worth playing. We will see.

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I've been back on my Rogue-esque bullshit. Been playing some Binding of Issac for the first time on my Switch and I also bought it with Repentance if that makes a difference. It's really cool if extremely gross. Turns out I still have a strong stomach for some very grotesque imagery. I gotta say coming to this after having platinum'd Enter the Gungeon is bruuuuutal as far as quality of life stuff goes. Even something as simple as shooting diagonally becomes a premium in this game. The arenas are so much smaller on average that it's hard to dodge bullets that are moving a bit too fast at times. As far as I know there's no in-run Ammonomicon equivalent that tells you what items do and the listing you can go through on the main menu can be cryptic as heck with the descriptions. Despite this litany of issues I've had with it I still find myself coming back to it to unlock more stuff.

Kaycee's mod in Inscryption is a really great late edition to an already terrific game. It's insane how even when you scale back and balance Leshy's ruleset for rogue-like purposes there are still fun ways to break it. I had an immortal bullfrog who could build dams and since the dams were also immortal I could defend against as many attacks as I wanted. Currently on the 50 challenge point tier and have been hitting a wall with it. It's extremely demoralizing to be shown just how many 'misplays' I commit run-to-run.

Curse of the Dead Gods is probably the one I'm enjoying the most at the moment. It also has a bit of the problem that Issac has where compared to something as streamlined and fast-paced as Hades it does dull some of the impact of what is ultimately a great game. Blending the styles of eldritch horrors and old pagan gods is a winning combination artistically. I do wish the fiction was a bit more explicitly conveyed at my current point of progress because it feels like there would be a lot going through the head of this mutton-chopped adventurer.

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Finished Elden Ring, so now I'm looping back to Horizon Forbidden West. It's sort of an "ehhhh" so far. It looks really nice and the story and voice acting are still compelling. Having said that, they took pretty much every problem the first game had and doubled down on it.

It's frustrating. There should be a much better game in here but so much of it feels like so many systems weren't thought through at all. For example, you have a very limited ammo count. OK fine, it's an attempt to create tension in combat. Except that you can craft more ammo at any time and the resources to do so are plentiful, meaning all the limitation accomplishes is to make it so you have to slow down combat to craft more stuff constantly.

Same thing with the weapons and armor. Sure, it's cool every weapon can be upgraded, but why do you need 15 different types of each weapon type when the only difference is the combination of elemental ammo they fire? It just means I'm in my inventory constantly hunting for the proper combination of elemental damage I need.

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#249  Edited By AV_Gamer

I've been playing a lot of Genshin Impact lately. I fell off of it for a while, and since then, a lot of updates happened, including a PS5 version of the game. So, I decided to check it out and I'm enjoying myself so far. I happened to start playing again during a 2x bonus event, which includes extra experience points in most of the game's progress. I've been breezing through the adventure ranks which would normally be a grind and have been steadily doing many of the story missions that unlock as a result. I quickly went from adventure rank 32 to 40 within a couple of days, which is where the game gets pretty tough. I'm now at the Chasm part of the storyline, after the popular Raiden Shogun arc.

I remember Jeff G claiming the problem he had with the game was it was too easy. If he'd stuck with it, he would've discovered that the game has world tier ranks like Outriders and gets harder. AR 40 is world tier 5 and it's so hard the game has an option to turn it back down to world tier 4 for less rewards, which I did.

The game's presentation from the graphics, to the art design, to the sound design is very engaging and feels like a lived in world. The characters are charming and the overall story is actually pretty good. The is easily one of the best mobile based games you can play on console. And everyone talks about the spending money part. Yet, I've been experiencing pretty much every thing the game has to offer and haven't spent a penny yet. In fact, Destiny 2, which I also play is more of an example of a game you must spend money on to enjoy than this game is. Which is why I've yet to buy the Witch Queen DLC and Battle Passes. Waiting for the prices to drop, or a bundle deal of some kind like what happened with the last major DLC update to that game.

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Borderlands 3

Got it on sale please don’t judge me.