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    Character » appears in 1 games

    The chief medical officer at Bridges.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Deadman last edited by DocHaus on 01/08/20 08:48PM View full history


    Deadman serves as the chief medical officer at the Bridges Foundation. He handles and studies BBs and helps Sam deal with issues regarding BB-28, growing somewhat attached to it despite initially marking it as a defective BB for disposal. Much later in the game, Deadman tells Sam he is "Frankenstein's Monster," an artificial human composed of 30% pluripotent stem cells and 70% fresh organs from human cadavers. He never had parents, a birthday, or even a Beach compared to other humans. After getting to know both Sam and his BB over the course of their work with Bridges, Deadman starts to develop feelings for them.


    • Deadman's character model was based off of real-life director/writer Guillermo del Toro, though in the game Deadman is voiced by Jesse Corti (in English).
    • Deadman was first introduced to the world in Death Stranding's TGA 2016 teaser trailer.

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