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    ChuChu Rocket!

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Nov 11, 1999

    A puzzle game from Sonic Team, ChuChu Rocket! was one of the first games to include online multiplayer on a console.

    virtua_ben's ChuChu Rocket (Dreamcast) review

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    Chu Chu Rocket Review!

    Intro: Wow, I feel sorta bad. My Dreamcast, while remaining faithful to me, has been left neglected and unused or some time now. It's really a shame, but I've made it up to the little thing. I've played, and now I'm gonna review, "Chu Chu Rocket!" for you (as well for my precious little Dreamcast). If I'm correct, I believe "Chu Chu Rocket" was released sometime in the first quarter of the Dreamcast's launch. It was one of the first games that allowed Sega and it's Dreamcast to enter the big (and sometimes nasty) world of the internet. At the time, this was one of those "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" kind of thing for video-gaming as a whole. This was technically the first console to have a good online plan and actually follow up on it.

    Gameplay: This game has a unique and fun twist on its gameplay. In this game, you have to "save" the Chu Chu's (AKA mice) by pointing them in the right direction...literally. In order to lead them to safety you must lay down directional pads for the Chu Chu's to follow by using the A, B, X, and Y buttons (each button being a different direction). There are basically two game types: 1.) Cat vs. Mice and 2.) Solve the puzzle and get the mice to the rocket (hence the rocket part of the name "Chu Chu Rocket!"). This game has what you may call "multiple personalities". Sometimes it can seem like the easiest game in the world, then you'll get to one stage/puzzle then the game has a sudden change of mind and becomes so incredibly difficult that you can't figure out the puzzle for the life of ya'. Although this might be frustrating at first, it's actually a really good thing to have in a game like this. It gives you an example, and then it challenges you in a way that makes you use your noggin' in order to complete the puzzle.
    The game also has net-link play (LAN) and used to support an online mode which, sadly, Sega pulled the plug on a couple years back. I didn't really have a chance to try the multiplayer out, but in some senses it seems like that having a multiplayer is a good idea, but then again, when's the last time you played "Chu Chu Rocket!" at a LAN party? In my opinion, it's a good idea having multiplayer, but it just doesn't apply that well. There is also a puzzle maker section of the game, which let's you...guess what? Make puzzles! Also another interesting addition, but isn't a feature that makes the game a "must have" if you know what I mean.

    Graphics: For a puzzle game, this looks pretty good. I mean, puzzle games can only look so good, but "Chu Chu" isn't a disappointment in the graphics department. The graphics were indeed impressive when the system came out, though not as impressive now, the graphic's still have quality. The game almost looks as if it were a current-gen game in my opinion.

    Sound: My second favorite part of the game (next to the fun puzzle-solving) were the catchy techno-ish tunes this game had to offer. My only complaint is that the tracks were a wee bit short, only lasting maybe a minute to a minute and a half...under two minutes, fo' sho. If Sega would've made the tunes a bit longer, they would've made my day.
    The in-game sounds weren't anything special at all. The sounds basically consist of: a man doing a count-down before the game starts, a buzzer-type noise telling you when you failed, and little bleeps whenever you place an arrow down on the puzzle. Overall this game has got about average sound quality.

    Control: If you can't grasp "Chu Chu Rockets!" controls, then you must be mentally deficient in one way or another. The controls are simple, just like most puzzle game control-schemes are. The A, B, X, and Y buttons are directional pad buttons. Move the cursor over the box using either the directional pad or the analog stick, and then press either A, B, X, or Y to tell the mice or cat which direction to go. In the puzzle games, the right trigger speeds up the process by fast-forwarding the animation process (watching the mice move and such). The left trigger removes directions you have placed so you can move them easily.

    Replay: This game is mostly based upon replay value, but doesn't accomplish it too well now because the Dreamcast online service has been since shut down. Through the internet you could've challenged opponents, and downloaded new puzzles/and or stages to work on. Now, you can't do any of that. The most you can do is make your own puzzles and play your friends in the game (although, I doubt you will).

    Overall: The Dreamcast is still alive, no matter what you and your friends may think! Yeah, you heard right. Anyways, this game is one of the games that, in my opinion, keeps the system alive. Definitely not a "killer-app" or a "must-have" but it is indeed a solid game. It's a classic now, and you can't beat the price (probably under ten dollars at your local EB Games or Gamestop). True, there isn't much replay value, and the multiplayer is a miss, but I still recommend this game for all you hardcore Dreamcast players and also for you hardcore puzzle fanatics.

    Other reviews for ChuChu Rocket (Dreamcast)

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