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    Xbox Game Studios

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    Also known as "Microsoft Games", "Microsoft Game Studios", and "Microsoft Studios", Xbox Game Studios is a primary subsidiary of the Microsoft Gaming division and handles publishing of their studios' games (including the Halo, Forza, and Gears of War series).

    Microsofts Keynote E3 2011 I blogged about it. How fun.

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    Reviews: 5

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    Edited By BinaryDragon

    The following is a disjointed commentry I wrote while watching the Microsoft e3 keynote, it has no flow you have been warned. :D

    Ok so this has already started badly, the stream only works in silverlight, sigh. The UK stream link is broken and I had to force the US one to watch the stream at all (double sigh). But I'm now listening to the crap music with whispers of a song containing the words 'control it like you used to'. Games for gamers? we may see hmmm.

    Seems to be starting [9.25]

    New slide comes up and says that xbox360 is about me. Hoorah, I love me, I'm great. Show still hasn't started yet but that's nice, also some of the stuff being shown has not been rated yet, lets just hope that unlike most stuff announced resonantly it comes out this year (talking to you starcraft!!!).

    [9.29] shot change it seems that indeed we can see that the stream is full of people. Also take your digitals seats it's about to begin.. Yay?

    [9.30] Music got a tad more epic, like a battle is about to ensue or everyone is meant to be in slow motion, people aren't, normal speed mostly; a tad disapointing.

    [9.31] Starts. With Mw3. Please reconnect controller pops up on the screen where would we be without a keynote witha technical hitch?

    Mw3, underwater radar? Mines, submarine hijack. It's another Mw3, the proof will be in the playing I'm not confident that Modern Warefare has much left in it in a singleplayer focus.

    [9.40] But we move on to Tomb Raider. Have to say, after watching that demo of the game I'm quite impressed, turning Tomb Raider into an Alan wake/survival horror/adventure game. Looks fun. I liked what I saw when I saw the trailer which I now think may be closer to how it's going to look and play than I thought.

    After the EA Sports bit (snore) I actually screamed out-loud when I saw Commander Shepard. I'm a massive Mass Effect nut I have 100% both ME1 & ME2 plus I'm a little bit through the third (?) book, I love that universe and really hope it doesn't end at ME3. Nice to see the little new things they're doing with Mass effect 3, the melee attacks, and the voice control for battle and talking/making choices -even if it is a little gimicky. Seeing liara and Garrus back makes me very happy. That game couldn't get here any quicker. Can't believe we have to wait till next year. >:(

    Ghost Recon: Future solider looks pretty cool. I think that might be my new FPS, but apart from that I'm really liking where Kinect is going I like how Microsoft is getting the idea that it's not fun to have minigame collections. I have a wii for that. But gunsmith, by Ubisoft looks really good fun. Finally my xbox will be voice activated.

    It's all starting to feel like Minority Report, which is VERY exciting.

    Dashboard update with Kinect? Ooooh... I like that there is now more screen real-estate for my content and stuff, I love how xbox makes me feel like I have a new console every year-ish. But, Awww coming in fall? YAWN.

    On a side note to all this Kinect stuff, I think now it might be the time for me to get one, I think that perhaps just before Ghost recon comes out might be the time for me. *checks bank balance*

    More sports stuff, not really my scene. MMA

    ICE-T playing Gears 3 with Cliffy B? Epic. Literally. Nice to see it have a bit of a faster pace, Gears For me has kind of lost its appeal. Might play it but it's not going to be a day one purchace, I've never enjoyed how most enemies take way more bullets than you do, which seems kinda unfair.

    Ryse? -you are the controller how tired will I get playing that? What was with the dog?

    Halo? the first one, AGAIN! (yay?) I suppose this would be kinda cool, terrible thing to say but i'm only going to play it if it has points, if it doesn't then I really don't need to play through that again.

    Forza, not really my thing but it does look cool.

    Lionhead, ANOTHER fable, better be better than Fable 3. That wasn't good. A Kinect Fable, with no explanation, oh dear... But if it's all first person like that I don't think I'll be able to stomach it. The gesture magic looks pretty cool but I hope it has some depth, it's the thing for me that's been lacking in Lionhead games for a while, the team seems to concentrate on the gimmick and forget about the gameplay, fable 3 was really bad on this point especially.

    Minecraft on xbox in winter, with kinect? errrrr.... ok. guess I'll try it?

    Disneyland on kinect? FISTBUMP! <--- good money goes toward this become a meme.

    Kinect STARWARS! Ok so we all waited for this and it's here, it's was janky in the demo, so I look forward to it only quite working but I really want to try.

    DOUBLE FINE! It's a sesame street, looks like fun, if i was a kid. But sesame street is awesome. Good to see Tim S strutting his stuff (is that the only thing he's showing at e3? awww sadface)

    Kinect update, Kinect me, Kinect finger-tracking, Object tracking? oooh... Fun daft things to do with your kinect while you wait for the kettle to boil. If this stuff isn't free it is full of fail.

    Kinect sports season 2, if I get a big job this will be bought for the christmas family time. I'd love to see my dad try and play this, he'd prob beat me.

    Those football actors were amazing. literally amazing. Matt Kesler is right, I want them to play it all the time, on loop.

    Dance central 2? Cool! Dance central in the last generation of Kinect games was often called out for the expert way they dealt with menus, I'm kinda sad they didn't show the menu at the conferance, but multiple players dancing at once shows that Microsoft are really expanding the software library on the Kinect.

    New triliogy? oh Halo 4. Cool. That could be quite cool, without bungie it might actually evolve. Ironically.

    That's my semi-live blog about the Microsoft Conferance. might do one later for ea, who knows. Was quite good no? And hey NO BORING NUMBERS! win? I think so.


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    Reviews: 5

    User Lists: 6

    #1  Edited By BinaryDragon

    The following is a disjointed commentry I wrote while watching the Microsoft e3 keynote, it has no flow you have been warned. :D

    Ok so this has already started badly, the stream only works in silverlight, sigh. The UK stream link is broken and I had to force the US one to watch the stream at all (double sigh). But I'm now listening to the crap music with whispers of a song containing the words 'control it like you used to'. Games for gamers? we may see hmmm.

    Seems to be starting [9.25]

    New slide comes up and says that xbox360 is about me. Hoorah, I love me, I'm great. Show still hasn't started yet but that's nice, also some of the stuff being shown has not been rated yet, lets just hope that unlike most stuff announced resonantly it comes out this year (talking to you starcraft!!!).

    [9.29] shot change it seems that indeed we can see that the stream is full of people. Also take your digitals seats it's about to begin.. Yay?

    [9.30] Music got a tad more epic, like a battle is about to ensue or everyone is meant to be in slow motion, people aren't, normal speed mostly; a tad disapointing.

    [9.31] Starts. With Mw3. Please reconnect controller pops up on the screen where would we be without a keynote witha technical hitch?

    Mw3, underwater radar? Mines, submarine hijack. It's another Mw3, the proof will be in the playing I'm not confident that Modern Warefare has much left in it in a singleplayer focus.

    [9.40] But we move on to Tomb Raider. Have to say, after watching that demo of the game I'm quite impressed, turning Tomb Raider into an Alan wake/survival horror/adventure game. Looks fun. I liked what I saw when I saw the trailer which I now think may be closer to how it's going to look and play than I thought.

    After the EA Sports bit (snore) I actually screamed out-loud when I saw Commander Shepard. I'm a massive Mass Effect nut I have 100% both ME1 & ME2 plus I'm a little bit through the third (?) book, I love that universe and really hope it doesn't end at ME3. Nice to see the little new things they're doing with Mass effect 3, the melee attacks, and the voice control for battle and talking/making choices -even if it is a little gimicky. Seeing liara and Garrus back makes me very happy. That game couldn't get here any quicker. Can't believe we have to wait till next year. >:(

    Ghost Recon: Future solider looks pretty cool. I think that might be my new FPS, but apart from that I'm really liking where Kinect is going I like how Microsoft is getting the idea that it's not fun to have minigame collections. I have a wii for that. But gunsmith, by Ubisoft looks really good fun. Finally my xbox will be voice activated.

    It's all starting to feel like Minority Report, which is VERY exciting.

    Dashboard update with Kinect? Ooooh... I like that there is now more screen real-estate for my content and stuff, I love how xbox makes me feel like I have a new console every year-ish. But, Awww coming in fall? YAWN.

    On a side note to all this Kinect stuff, I think now it might be the time for me to get one, I think that perhaps just before Ghost recon comes out might be the time for me. *checks bank balance*

    More sports stuff, not really my scene. MMA

    ICE-T playing Gears 3 with Cliffy B? Epic. Literally. Nice to see it have a bit of a faster pace, Gears For me has kind of lost its appeal. Might play it but it's not going to be a day one purchace, I've never enjoyed how most enemies take way more bullets than you do, which seems kinda unfair.

    Ryse? -you are the controller how tired will I get playing that? What was with the dog?

    Halo? the first one, AGAIN! (yay?) I suppose this would be kinda cool, terrible thing to say but i'm only going to play it if it has points, if it doesn't then I really don't need to play through that again.

    Forza, not really my thing but it does look cool.

    Lionhead, ANOTHER fable, better be better than Fable 3. That wasn't good. A Kinect Fable, with no explanation, oh dear... But if it's all first person like that I don't think I'll be able to stomach it. The gesture magic looks pretty cool but I hope it has some depth, it's the thing for me that's been lacking in Lionhead games for a while, the team seems to concentrate on the gimmick and forget about the gameplay, fable 3 was really bad on this point especially.

    Minecraft on xbox in winter, with kinect? errrrr.... ok. guess I'll try it?

    Disneyland on kinect? FISTBUMP! <--- good money goes toward this become a meme.

    Kinect STARWARS! Ok so we all waited for this and it's here, it's was janky in the demo, so I look forward to it only quite working but I really want to try.

    DOUBLE FINE! It's a sesame street, looks like fun, if i was a kid. But sesame street is awesome. Good to see Tim S strutting his stuff (is that the only thing he's showing at e3? awww sadface)

    Kinect update, Kinect me, Kinect finger-tracking, Object tracking? oooh... Fun daft things to do with your kinect while you wait for the kettle to boil. If this stuff isn't free it is full of fail.

    Kinect sports season 2, if I get a big job this will be bought for the christmas family time. I'd love to see my dad try and play this, he'd prob beat me.

    Those football actors were amazing. literally amazing. Matt Kesler is right, I want them to play it all the time, on loop.

    Dance central 2? Cool! Dance central in the last generation of Kinect games was often called out for the expert way they dealt with menus, I'm kinda sad they didn't show the menu at the conferance, but multiple players dancing at once shows that Microsoft are really expanding the software library on the Kinect.

    New triliogy? oh Halo 4. Cool. That could be quite cool, without bungie it might actually evolve. Ironically.

    That's my semi-live blog about the Microsoft Conferance. might do one later for ea, who knows. Was quite good no? And hey NO BORING NUMBERS! win? I think so.


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