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Games Shown at E3 That I am Looking Forward to

It would be an understatement to say that there were only a couple games at E3 this year that I am interested in. So much so that I feel compelled to create a list of them to help me remember them in the intervening months or years before they release. I'm sure this isn't every game that was at E3 that would interest me, but these are the games I saw trailers for or heard spoken about.

List items

  • I know nothing about this game beyond that it is an elder scrolls game. Well, I also know that it is years off from being released. That said, it is an elder scrolls game and I am interested.

  • What is Starfield? I have no idea beyond a new franchise from Bethesda.

  • Looks like it could be cool.

  • I have no idea what this is beyond the trailer and I want to change that.

  • I don't know much about it, but that lady's pitch at the EA press conference and the look have me interested.

  • It's a sequel to DOOM, my 2016 GotY.

  • Co-op Wolfenstein sounds fucking awesome.

  • They are remaking my favorite Resident Evil game.

  • Fuck yeah, more Nioh!

  • Mechs!

  • I have PSVR, I like the ocean, I like exploration games. Therefore, I am interested.

  • Everything I have seen or heard about this game might make it my most anticipated game ever. I am a huge fan of CD Projekt Red and have the utmost confidence in them for this project. I want this game now.

  • Hitman is one of my favorite game franchises. A little disappointed they are ditching the episodic structure of the the 2016 game, but I trust that they will do a good job with this game.

  • I really enjoyed the first two Metro games, I am really curious to see where they go with this.

  • Zelda like a fox.

  • I know next to nothing about this game, but that segment of the Square-Enix video has my very curious about it.

  • Samurai Souls? Yes please.

  • This game looks gorgeous. I am very interested in learning more about this game.

  • That art style, based on the art by Mobius, is very striking. I don't really have much else to say about this game, I just want to know more.

  • Two Lovecraftian games at one E3? Which great old on do I have to thank? This could be interesting, I haven't heard anything about this beyond the trailer and just wonder if it is based on the story, or just using the name. Still, I am interested.

  • Lovecraft. Not a fan of his rampant racism, but the overarching themes and settings of his stories and the mythos that he created and others have run with are my shit. Based solely on the trailer shown at E3, this looks like it captures that theme perfectly. Showing a game inspired by Lovecraftian themes will get my curiosity, but this game has my attention.