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Games with Crappy Endings (Spoiler-Free)

These are the games that have disappointing endings and could've been better. The people at HISHE should create their own versions of these endings.

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    You've completed a great game."



    That sums it all up.

  • Never seen it before but people say it's bad. Need to check it out myself.

  • I didn't believe it at first but the reviewers were right. Rage has one of the worst endings in video game history. No final boss battle, no epic conclusion and no sense of accomplishment. All you get in the end is a lousy cutscene that fails to impress and leaves you unsatisfied. It's uncertain if id Software wanted to make it ambiguous or they couldn't come up with a great ending.



    Bottom line, the ending sucks.

  • Out of This World is not an easy game and as classic as it is, it's disappointing to see an ending so brainless after all your hard work. Eric Chahi, the creator, had said that he deliberately left the ending ambigious to leave it to the viewer's own interpretation. I find it to be a lame excuse. I think he just couldn't come up with a good ending.

  • Regardless of which ending you receive, they all suck. Even the very good ending is badly executed. You don't see the protagonist's face, everything looks so static and everything feels rushed. Good thing the second BioShock has a better ending.

  • Even though it's a happy ending, it feels rushed and it's as if American McGee didn't put a lot of thought into it. I was hoping to see Alice saying her goodbyes to her Wonderland freaks before departing but that didn't happen. What a letdown.

  • After what the Battletoads been through, how could they let the Dark Queen slip away so easily? Useless bunch of frogs!

  • Not a bad ending but it was poorly executed. It had too many cheesy dialogue and a terrible twist that you'll just laugh at it.

  • If you thought the first Dementium had a bad ending, well think again. Dementium II has some of the worst endings you'll ever see.

  • This is the only time I will reveal a spoiler and man, this game is an incredible letdown. Instead of battling a ginormous beetle-looking alien, your last boss is some guy in a battle suit. And once you beat him, you get this abysmal cutscene that doesn't resolve anything. What a load of bull.

  • An awful, awful ending. Wasted an hour of my life.

  • The eighth level, stuff blows up, you think is the beginning of a good action sequence when suddenly - the credits roll. Wait, wh..wh..wh..wh..wha?!!

  • A fantastic game with an ending that could've been better. The ending (I'm reffering to the true Overtime ending) is not that bad but it feels like Capcom wasn't trying hard enough.