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The thought puzzle, Ship of Theseus, asks if an object that has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object.

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Games that Need a Sequel, or Games that Needs Another One

There are a lots of games, yet I just need a few sequels too to feel good about life. Some games get a damn sequels every year, but there are some great games that I just don't get teh love. So, here is my list of games that are just screaming for 'more please'.

List items

  • Yeah, I get it, we already have too many space games and a lot of them are actually damn good. But, I liked the break away colony story-line in CW.

  • Yeah, it got DC 2 & 3 did come out, but I think old time resident Evil with dinosaurs was fun. Its is 99% Jurassic park rip-off...yet, how is that bad? Guns, dinos, and some herbs - that is a recipe for great gaming! Make it a prequel...ditch the leather leotard...just give me an updated Dino Crisis.

  • Step off Homefront! Why do some games just want to ruin a good idea? 'Freedom Fighter' was a cool game, it had a nice game play vibe even if it wasn't perfect. But, now we have Homefront sucking all the air out of American invasion stories...and the terrible Red Dawn movie remake did not help. So, I say, we take Freedom back! I say we demand...well ask...or maybe, just plead for a new Freedom Fighters. Please.

  • Vampire RPG. That's it, that should be enough for me to say. But, if you are not yet convinced then I'll say it - we need another vampire RPG so we can live our vampire fantasies. Don't judge me, my fantasy is a school girl vampire with a mini-skirt (more common that you might think.) That is just me, but this would be an RPG, so you can be whatever vampire you want. We all need a new RPG flavor, make it blood.

  • Pirates! Yes, Xbxo is getting it pirates game Sea of Thieves, but what about me? Also, what is up with making it SoT multiplayer?! Did nobody tell the Sea of Thieves development staff that other people playing beside me in a game makes me uncomfortable? A single player pirate game if all I ask. I want to feel the sea breeze! I want to hear my hearty-lads singing a ditty in teh rigging as I sail to adventure. Black Flag needs a sequel or prequel ASAP.

  • Yeah, it wasn't that long ago that the first one came out' but we do need another one. I had so much fun with that story, with that game play, and just the kitschy 'horror tropes' being followed and subverted. Until Dawn was master class on how 'narrative/choice' games should be made...I love Quantic Dream's games...but Mr Cage needs to take this class. Beware the wendigo!

  • Has there ever been a more poignant reminder that the American dream is dead? I think Cart Life was BRILLIANT both as a story but as a game too. The big problem was the game did have a few bugs, but I think a proper sequel would be great for everyone involved. Even if Richard Hofmeier (creator) is not interested maybe he could sell the IP or make a deal. I think the ideas and themes could be explored again.

  • I can't stand it I know you planned it

    I'm gonna set it straight, this des Champs-Ély-ate

    I can't stand rocking when I'm in Gay Paree

    Because your crystal ball ain't so shine-eeee!

    So while you sit back and wonder why

    I got this fucking thorn in my side

    Oh my God, it's a Nazi-race-or

    I'm tellin' y'all it's THE SABOTEUR

    If you don't know, The Saboteur was an awesome game full of great ideas. If you played it, then you know it was great messing up the Third-Reich's plans while being an Irish-expat race car driver living behind the 'un-dressing room' of topless ladies. Setting off bombs, shootin' blimps, and collecting dozens of vehicles in your garage...the Saboteur had it all. It would be a CRIME for Pandemic Studios' game to never get a sequel, EA owns the IP I'm sure, so someone please make it happen.