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The thought puzzle, Ship of Theseus, asks if an object that has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object.

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Game of the Year 2014

My start of a GOTY list for 2014

List items

  • The best game I played this year, that came out this year. Interesting new twist on sub-bosses and using or removing them from the game. Best use of an 'established outside of games' property.

  • I need to play this but it turned out better than most games.

  • I need to play this one as well; maybe, it should be #2 on this list. I think this will be the next game I play.

  • I heard this was excellent. Yes, I give it points for getting this property as right as people can these days.

  • Yes, this needs to be on the list because I thought it was fun. This might need to be higher, but I think the middle of the list is correct. In a year with poorly put together games this one was solid.

  • I should have played this. Aree you seeing I haven't played much. But, I'm not just blindly guessing, this will be on a few lists.

  • Won't play it, but I hear it is good.

  • I didn't play it, but from what I hear a very good little game.

  • People were playing the hell out of this game this year. It derseves a discussion and a place on some lists.

  • A solid game from Supergiant Games, but it was not talked about much after it came out. I would say Transistor was a better game than Bastion, but its made less impact since people expected as much from Supergiant.