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Desura December Dementia: The Determining Decider/Deciding Determiner

Indefatigable Indie-loving individuals, I need your help. Come December, I'll be following up my award-winning* Steam May Madness feature with a similar one for the relatively overlooked Desura digital distribution service, from which I've managed to accrue a library of games thanks to a series of Indie Royale bundles that I believe they're in some part responsible for. In an effort to both clear out some backlog as well as provide an invaluable service to those ignorant of the games being spotlighted, I'll be playing one of them per day and providing my honest appraisal of their quality. I'll probably only be covering the first two weeks of December, because after that it gets rather busy with Xmas and end-of-the-year GOTY deliberations, but in an effort to deliver what people want to see I've set up this list of every Desura game I own that I don't already have on Steam.

The idea is that, rather than advocating games you've played and liked (or disliked, if you're big on schadenfreude), you tell me which games you'd like to hear more about because it's had so little coverage elsewhere and I'll prioritize them when I begin in a couple of weeks. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

*my mom thought it was cool.

List items

  • Day 1. A dual-stick shooter. Seems reasonable enough. Wouldn't want to fill the whole list with these things, but I can deal with one. Bliss away, flashing lights and kicking jams.

  • Day 2. An invertebrate turn-based strategy game? The format has some promise, but I'm not too sure about the execution. Or maybe I'll wait until after I've played it before saying such things.

  • Day 3. Looks like a fairly decent Minter-esque platformer. Obviously, though, I'll be wanting to keep the puzzle platforming to a minimum. Way too much of that last time.

  • Day 4. An odd roguelike with graphics that are a little more retro than the NES era. I don't mind throwing a roguelike or two in here, they tend to be a bit more nuanced.

  • Day 5. While perhaps not at all nuanced, this 3DS-ware refugee platformer still looks like a barrel of fun.

  • Day 6. That deliberate Ninja Gaiden/Strider callback. Hopefully it's not as tough as Mega Man 9 and 10 were. I'm not optimistic.

  • Day 7. After GB's recent Sim Golf revisit, I've decided that there aren't enough goofy sim games coming out these days. Hopefully this one will keep me going until a new wave shows up.

  • Day 8. Man, Populous. Not to disparage Molyneux's classic, but it does seem odd that it still receives devoted homages like this (and From Dust). If it's as good as its source material, I'll be on board.

  • Day 9. Can't go without a compulsory block puzzle game. I hope this one won't make me wish I was playing Tetris instead! Like every other one! (Besides Dr. Mario of course; the original Tetris-killer. Come at me.)

  • Day 10. Some kind of Gauntlet strategy thing? Sort of? As with Platformance, I'll either cover one of the two I have available or both at once.

  • Day 11. This reminds me way too much of Rocket Slime, which is not a bad thing at all. No sir.

  • Day 12. A curious action RPG in the Metroidvania mold. Everything in that sentence sounds good to me. Except maybe "mold".

  • Unplayed. Can't be worse than Baller Beats. Or can it?

  • Unplayed. A horrible title, but maybe not a horrible point-and-click adventure? Maybe?

  • Unplayed. More dual-stick shootering. Will probably choose between this or Ballistic rather than do both.

  • A duo of Super Meat Boy-influenced medieval platformers. Will probably do both in a single update.

  • Unplayed. After Assassin's Creed 3, I'm almost burned out on early American history. Yet I can't say no to a (peperony and) cheesy Oregon Trail parody.

  • Unplayed. Light Cycles puzzle action thing. Might be good.