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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Top Ten 2020

This was a... year. I played less Switch and VR that I thought I would. The Switch less because it's just more comfortable for me to play on PC, and VR less because of space. Not sure about the order of the list either, and I am most likely not done with all of the games on the list. I have been very bad at actually completing games this year I feel. I will also try to leave out Early Access games.
Anything below no 10 should be seen as unordered and as honorable mentions. I think these are all the new 2020 games I have played this year.

List items

  • Hands down the best rogue-like I have ever played. The way the story is integral to the mechanics and vice versa is brilliant. I have yet to beat the prologue, but I will someday.

    Also the most beautiful soundtrack this year.

  • The most beautiful game of the year, and the game I shed most tears over. Every time you bring a spirit to the Everdoor is a bittersweet moment, and it never failed to start the waterworks. Sure, the middle of the game is kind of a slog, with a bit too much resource gathering and other stuff you need to do. But I still loved it.

  • I am 90 hours into Valhalla at the moment, and I am still not done. I have loved every moment of it as well. It might help that I am Norwegian, so seeing the old architecture I have grown up with learning about is comforting. Hearing someone say the name "Gunnar" they way it should be said, not like "gunner" makes me feel more at home as well. I like the gameplay, the characters and the overall presentation. And while it might have a slow start for some, I didn't really think that much about that myself. I was content just being a viking. That said, the story has picked up for me considerably. There are several aspects I am dying to know more about.

  • Short and sweet. I want more games where you are the evil monster. And I mean actually evil, not the "evil" you are in games like Overlord.

  • As this released this year I finally hunkered down and did a full playthrough. Such a good game. Just thinking about it now makes me want to jump in again.

  • While I have fallen off Animal Crossing for the later half of the year or so, it was a constant companion to me and my fiancé at the start. Such a calming and adorable game. I know I will come back to it someday as they are adding more and more slowly, but I am dreading the state of my island when I do.

  • An excellent sequel. Love the music, the visuals and the gameplay has been vastly improved in my opinion. A small thing about the ending did bug me a bit, but not enough to hinder my enjoyment of the rest of the game.

  • Another surprise this year. Not sure what to say about this. A character is named Doctor Doom Jazz. It's fucking cool.

  • I am historically a metal-head that hates dance, techno and whatever else. But I have mellowed over the years, and find I can enjoy a good beat if nothing else. And so Fuser has been a lot of fun. The need to constantly change things up to get five stars during the campaign is a bit much, and I wish you had a mix between the campaign and Freeplay. Still, having a blast.

  • This came as a surprise really. I saw some footage and was unsure if I wanted it, but then it gave me some light "Bobiverse"-vibes with the self-replicating nature of building more and more as an AI. Listening to the fourth book on audio probably helped in getting me to buy this. And I really enjoyed it. A different take on the building and management genre, with an actual story progressing as you play. Looking forward to see what they might do with post-launch content down the line.

  • As of writing this I have played about 20 hours of Cyberpunk, and I have liked most of it. No huge bugs, no glaring graphical errors. But just knowing that something can happen at any time that will diminish my enjoyment of the game has been enough for me to put it on hold for a bit. Luckily I have enough games to play in the meantime.

  • I loved Doom (2016), and I like Doom Eternal. I have yet to beat it though. I think they piled a bit too much on top of what was already perfect, muddling the waters a bit too much. I intend to beat it someday, but it is a daunting thing to come back to after a while.

  • Have yet to beat this as it got to hot to play during the summer, and I got a bit less space once it got colder. Will set everything up again someday to beat it. Before I can't use my Quest anymore due to the asinine Facebook requirement.

  • I suck at taking pictures, so what I liked about this was the vibes and the unconventional way to tell a story.

  • This came out on Steam in 2020, I bought it and beat it there as well. One of the best games ever made, should be on ever list every year for all eternity.