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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Fate Franchise Games I've Finished

....umm! so this is it the orginal idea!..not bad game by WildTangent, but boring after while, when you keep delving into unlimated dungons lvl, still has many many idea and more vast system build than Diablo and other simler games, anyway I understand at that time was after nineties era games, and all the designer and devloper of games, when they start move from 2D world to 3D, was painfull, yet they made a whole new amazing style system build items for APRG.......etc >Torchlight List

* About how I transfer the same character from first fate to another; you need tool to import save file, because the game has rule when beat main story, is to retire or pass items to new characters, and this is neat idea, but I don't want here :D

2005-2023 Fate, Complete it 2x

2008-2023 Fate: Undiscovered Realms Complete it 1x

2011-2023 Fate: The Traitor Soul, Complete it 1x

2011-2023 Fate: The Cursed King, Complete it 1x

List items

  • At beginning remind me of Fable game! and the graphics kind childish especially the character design was so kidy, yet the game has a lot of new idea of build, and must be careful when spend point (skill&talent), because any mistake will make you stuck or start a new character, and the pet idea as same idea from DS game was love saving of life.

  • Still same game, and more drop goody this times, unlike the first game was so low drop rate.

  • I can wear new Back (clock) and still the game same, with more curssed twisted items! sometime these twisted items can be good, if you know how to mix it with other items has another curss to reflect it or somehow to manage it.

  • New games even the graphics been improved, but this more and more harder than the late game! Monster with firenova and lighting strike in same time fireball!!! here the first twist monster saw I guess, even diablo 2 was shy to do such thing, also the hir Merc and add them to your party as your characters exactly! completely sound like DS game now xD