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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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BioShock Series Games I've Finished

Shooters, spells, active traps, fantasy story, the cool atmosphere underwater, zero boring play* I played the game Kindly x)

Update note 2022: the infinite is completely diffrent than 1,2, kinda more into FPS game, but anyway this game really has zero boring play. GG

Clash in the Clouds: messy! and you can continue after dying in any time, not that challenge unlike Protector Trials.

Burial at Sea Episode One: funny its obvious there's something wrong with spawn! is it right we back to Rapture, but the gameplay not sutible at all, becouse the game is using infinite data play.

Burial at Sea Episode two: I kind lost on story, its become deffcult to follow what is happening, but I get it at end, and nice ending when connected to BioShock 1 👌

*Still my own imagining story, when I get it wrong, was more better, I will Burial it for myself ;)

2020 BioShock Complete Campaign x1*

2020 BioShock 2 Complete Campaign x1**

2020 BioShock 2: Minerva's Den Complete Campaign 1x

2020 BioShock 2: Protector Trials Complete 100% x1

2022 BioShock Infinite complete it 1x

List items

  • Shooter + spells have a strategy to active trap in the sandbox, cool! the enemy kind tricky, and non-less Nice game with fantasy Rapture city x)

  • I never played a shooter game, that has zero borings! everything is joy in Bioshock 2, collect stuff, keep shoot, upgrade as you want, keep switch plasma for different style play. GG

    Minerva's Den:

    More chapter to play, with new leaser weapon ;)

    The Protector Trials:

    Here really you need to kill them kindly! limit resources limit spells, so need to spend it wisely and kindly ;)

  • New look new atmosphere play, and of course new story, I'm pleased, and the new style play "Sky-Line" is really cool, its makes Booker invincible, but instead they removed the old style, that to use advantage of traps in each room of sandbox setup, and the new game has none like 1 or 2, and that's make infinite more like FPS yes the old style play is better.

  • I was searching for such thing, when I played 1, at 2009, just the puzzles without the main basic games, sadly this puzzle game been removed from infinte game :\