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2014 purchases

this is more of a "games i got this year" list, rather than "games i purchased"

This list is no longer being updated.

List items

  • | Xbox 360 | January 6th | 7.49$ | Games On Demand |

    7.49$? OK, I can settle for that. Let's see what's so cool about you, Spec Ops: The Line.

  • | Xbox Live Arcade | January 9th | 4.94$ |

    It was 5 dollars and I heard it was pretty good. Pretty much any game is worth five dollars, actually.

  • | PlayStation Vita | January 21st | 10.39$ |

    I am going to be very upset if I can't do a caveman in this game

  • | PlayStation 3 | February 21st | 2.49$ | PS2 Classic |

    I bought that new Last of Us DLC thingy and Midnight Club II was on sale. I heard that this is a pretty good game.

  • | PlayStation Vita | March 6th | 29.99$ | Digital Download |


  • Episode Two: A House Divided

    | Xbox 360 | March 6th | 4.99$ |

    Aww yeah, it's that time again!

    Episode Three: In Harm's Way

    | Xbox 360 | May 17th | 4.99$ |

    I know it's getting good when I'm anxious about starting a new episode.

  • | PC + Mac | March 12th | Free (Steam Gift) |

    Glory to onimonkii! Thank you for the gift, friend.

  • | PC + Mac | March 14th | 6.49$ |

    *dnb loop*

  • | PlayStation 4 | March 18th | 34.99$ |

    You kept me waiting, Snake.

  • | PlayStation Vita | March 25th | 39.99$ | Digital Download |

    There are three things I know about Deception, pretty much. It was developed/published by Tecmo, there are traps and Ayane had a costume in Dead or Alive 2 that was based off an outfit from Kagero: Deception II.

    Paying full price up front for something I don't know much about probably isn't the best idea in the world (see: Need for Speed Rivals), but let us see what happens.

  • | PC | April 5th | 13.99$ |

    I am ready to enter space and engineer large astroids.

  • | PlayStation 3 | April 29th | 14.99$ | Digital Download |

    It was a hassle to make 38 GB space for this game to even download. I would have much prefered a disc version... but I can't pass this game up any longer. It is time to rip fools up.

  • | PC + Mac | May 2nd | 39.99$ |

    An impulse purchase that I'm pretty happy about.

  • | PlayStation Vita | May 4th | 8.99$ |

    I wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 2 on the bus so...

  • | PC + Mac | May 8th | Free (Steam Gift)

    Thank you, Lamb!

  • | Xbox 360 | ??? | Free | Games on Demand

    So... there was a weird glitch on the Xbox Live Marketplace, I think. Dark Souls was listed as free even though I didn't have Xbox Live Gold... so I guess I have this now.

    Well, no more excuses now. I should probably play this.

  • | Xbox 360 | June 8th | 0.99$ | Xbox Live Indie Games |

    I play the trial with my friends sometimes when they come over, and the trial expired while we were playing. Naturally, I went ahead and bought it as a thanks for all of the good times. As it turns out, the full version is about 1000000x better.

  • | PC + Mac | June 11th | Free (Steam Gift) | Megaton Edition |

    On the first day of E3... gifts are exchanged. Thank you, Aaox!

  • | Xbox 360 | June 11th | 10$ | Games on Demand |

    I really liked Forza 3, and I heard this was really good... so, here we are. Digital game sales on consoles are my new favorite things.

  • | Nintendo 3DS | June 12th | 7.99$ | eShop |

    I totally forgot to buy this game when it came out. I decided to go back and nab it once someone on twitter mentioned how charming it was. I'm really excited to try this!

  • | PC | June 19th | 2.79$ |

    Yo, I am so excited to play this schoolgirl sword game!

  • | PC | June 19th | 1.79$ |

    This one... not so much. I'm curious to see how busted Daikatana is, at least.

  • | PC | June 19th | 2.00$ |

    This game was cool on XBLIG, but I never got the full thing... actually, it's probably a dollar cheaper on Xbox now that I think about it...

  • | PC + Mac | June 19th | Free (Steam Gift) |

    Steam sale gifts courtesy of Lamb! Thanks again!