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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Steam/GOG Sale Winter 2012 Haul

For me, not necessarily for you. Here you go.

List items

  • I played like an hour of this and was pretty much sold at the decapitations.

  • Technically I got it for free from another member as part of a giveaway, but I'll count it anyways.

  • On second thought, it was probably not an especially great idea to get a game that relies on a controller as much as it does when the bootleg 360 controller I have tends to not work at the most inopportune moments.

  • Obtained from Greenman Gaming, which with a coupon and the cash back thing only cost me like $8. Kind of ridiculous.

  • Sure.

  • Yay mark ninjaman

  • This game was not on sale, but I got $150 in cash for christmas. So, of course, I bought a steam gift card at gamestop. Because that isn't crazy or anything.

  • At a fraction of the price and apparently being far better quality-wise, I figured this would be a better purchase than ACIII

  • As part of me attempting to finish up my ownership of all the ultima games on GOG, I had to pick up this unfortunate turd. Oh well.

  • Ditto. It was $1.25, so I have no real regrets

  • Heroes V complete as part of me (once again) benefiting from GOG's insane bundle. To be fair, I only had Tribes of the East before, so I guess I could play the campaigns for the original and Hammers of Fate if I wanted too... I guess?

  • I look forward to skewering this game in some sort of future blawg. (it was part of the Might and Magic bundle)

  • Not entirely sure why I got this bundle, since the Ur Quan Masters is free and is a better version of SC II anyways, and the first game isn't really important enough to stand on its own. Meh. $3.

  • See above.