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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Fighting Games played in 2011

Apparently having a PS2 pays off in multiple ways, considering the amount of fighting games released for the platform. Here are the ones I played this year, for reference's sake.

List items

  • I found the Arcade Edition DLC to be somewhat lackluster, messing with the balance of the characters I liked while ensuring that I would never play online because of the endless horde of Yuns dive kicking their way to obnoxiousness.

  • I liked Mortal Kombat a lot when it came out, but I guess it didn't really have a lot of staying power for me. Maybe it's the overreliance on combos. Maybe it's the part where the online was kind of jacked. Maybe something something.

  • Also a fighting game I played this year. It's pretty rad. I guess. Online has been laggy, but that's probably mostly on my dorm internet, more than anything else.

  • For $6 at Play 'N Trade, of all places. Not going to complain one bit.

  • Containing Street Fighter Alpha 1, 2, Gold, and 3. Of all of these, 2 is easily the best, though I honestly don't like a lot of the things these games do.

  • I took a wild guess that the later games in the series would probably be better than the early ones. Yep. Of the three in this compilation, Real Bout 2 is probably the best.

  • It was 5 bucks, though the only one that seems even remotely enjoyable is the third one, as the first two are super stiff and slow in the way that bad fighting games are. Doesn't have movelists, for whatever reason.

  • Just read what I said about it in my GOTY blog. This game is rad.

  • If there is one thing about this game that bugs me to no end, it's the mad dissonance between some of the character sprites. All the SNK characters are redrawn, but all the capcom characters still have their old sprites. While this isn't a problem for the likes of Ryu and Ken, who use their SFIII sprites, it is mad distracting with characters like Morrigan, who still uses her sprite from Darkstalkers 1.

  • The less said about this the better.