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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Best of 2016 that didn't come out in 2016

Another top 5 list for me this year. See the blog for full details.

List items

  • While not without issues, The Witcher 3 is proof that I can still give a shit about big-budget "AAA" RPGs. Its expansions are, if anything, even better than the main game itself.

  • After two years of waffling through computer problems, I finally beat Divinity: Original Sin (Enhanced Edition.) I still like it a lot, even in spite of a mediocre final act.

  • People who say this game is the best Zelda are nuts. The best parts of Majora's Mask have nothing to do with the Zelda-ness of this game and a lot more to do with being weird as hell.

  • Despite my preferences for ice cold mechanical games, probably with way too many rulesets and turn-based, tactical combat, I'm not without affection for games that get the act of storytelling right. Undertale does that with its charming little parody/deconstruction of 16-bit RPGs, and even manages to do so without being overly twee or cloying.

  • I am not above this and I make no apologies.