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    Interactive Environments

    Concept »

    The ability of a player to interact with items or geometry in the game world, whether for story or gameplay reasons or simply for immersion.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    280024 Usernameu Concept 04/21/24 02:25PM 8 done
    278884 jjroberts Game 03/30/24 04:08AM 256 done
    278021 Panteon00 Game till 22:24 Heartbeat Meter - Lower-right corner Minimap - Upper-left corner Health - Upper-right corner Ambush - Couple other time 03/16/24 02:24PM 30 done
    277803 Usernameu Concept Sims 4 is heavy on this 03/11/24 03:35AM 2 done
    277802 Usernameu Concept follow the SURVIVAL trend... minecraft trail? anyways these games' gameplay surrounding around Interacting with their Environments 03/11/24 02:58AM 20 done
    277801 Usernameu Concept these hunting-eating-building-farming-sleeping... survival games fit this 03/11/24 02:49AM 10 done
    277800 Usernameu Concept don't they meet the [Interactive Environments] criteria? 03/11/24 02:33AM 4 done
    277798 Usernameu Concept though its environments are less interactive than Red Dead Redemption 2's, but still shall be able to qualify ''Interactive Environments'' ''The game’s natural environment is highly interactive, with players able to hunt animals, fish in rivers and lakes, and interact with various plant species. The day-night cycle and weather system also significantly impact the gameplay, as visibility, mobility, and the behavior of non-playable characters (NPCs) change based on the time of day and weather conditions. Human settlements in Red Dead Redemption are equally interactive, with players able to enter buildings, interact with objects, and engage in conversations with NPCs. Players can also use stagecoaches and trains to travel between settlements, adding another layer of interactivity to the game’s environment. Activities and Mini-Games Red Dead Redemption features a variety of activities and mini-games that further enhance the game’s interactivity. These include gambling games like poker and blackjack, hunting challenges, horse races, and duels. The game also features a robust honor system, which changes based on the player’s actions and decisions, adding another layer of depth to the game’s interactive environment. Dynamic Events The game’s environment also features dynamic events, such as random encounters with NPCs or animals. These events can lead to various outcomes based on the player’s choices and actions. For example, helping a stranger might result in a reward, while choosing to ignore them could lead to negative consequences.'' 03/11/24 02:00AM 2 done
    277797 Usernameu Concept In GTA IV and SR2 players could pick up a large number of small objects including Bricks, Bottles and Cans to use as melee or throwing weapons, this feature disappeared in GTA V and SR3/4 03/11/24 01:51AM 6 done
    276944 Usernameu Concept ''pick up and examine objects, and use various skills and abilities to manipulate the environment. For example, players can use their thieving skills to pick locks, their magical abilities to light torches, or their strength to move heavy objects. Baldur’s Gate 3 features a physics-based environment, allowing players to use their surroundings to their advantage. Players can use objects to create barriers or distractions, or even use them as weapons. The game also includes a destructible environment, allowing players to blow up walls or knock down doors to gain access to new areas.'' 02/26/24 04:47PM 2 done
    276930 Usernameu Concept as TES Oblivion&Skyrim' total conversion standalone mods, these rpgs are heavy on Interactive Environments 02/26/24 01:56PM 6 done
    276929 Usernameu Concept this game really heavy on this 02/26/24 01:52PM 2 done
    276926 Usernameu Concept these rpgs are somewhat lame compare to public expectations in Interactive Environments, however still be able to qualify ''Interactive Environments'' 02/26/24 01:46PM 4 done
    276925 Usernameu Concept don't see the reason these games not fit in 02/26/24 01:39PM 6 done
    276924 Usernameu Concept this game is very heavy on this, one of the main gameplay aspects of it 02/26/24 01:35PM 2 done
    276923 Usernameu Concept ''Players can interact with various elements in the environment, such as barrels, crates, and other objects, to solve puzzles, create traps, or gain advantages in combat scenarios. The game encourages experimentation and creative thinking by allowing players to manipulate the environment to their advantage. One of the key aspects of the interactive environments in Divinity: Original Sin 1 is the elemental interactions. Players can use elemental spells and abilities to interact with different surfaces in the environment, creating effects like fire, ice, poison, and more. These interactions not only add depth to combat but also provide opportunities for strategic planning and environmental manipulation. Furthermore, the game’s environmental interactivity extends beyond combat situations. Players can use objects in the environment to uncover secrets, unlock hidden passages, or solve environmental puzzles.'' 02/26/24 01:31PM 2 done
    276921 Usernameu Concept For today's gamers, it's likely a surprise that a 2D top own RPG has such an interactive environment 02/26/24 01:29PM 4 done
    276920 Usernameu Concept this game is very heavy on this 02/26/24 01:26PM 2 done
    276919 Usernameu Concept One of the most important gameplay aspects of KCD involve around interacting with the environment 02/26/24 01:20PM 2 done
    276918 Usernameu Concept One of the most important gameplay aspects of The Sims 2 is interacting with its environment 02/26/24 01:13PM 2 done
    276917 Usernameu Concept ''One of the key features of TES III Morrowind is the ability for players to interact with objects in the game world. Players can pick up and manipulate objects, such as weapons, armor, books, and other items scattered throughout the environment.'' 02/26/24 01:08PM 2 done
    276916 Usernameu Concept This one might be a bit subjective, but I personally think it fits in ''One of the key features of Fallout 76 is its interactive environments. Players can interact with the environment in various ways, such as scavenging for resources, crafting items, building structures, and engaging in environmental storytelling.'' 02/26/24 01:04PM 2 done
    271515 jjroberts Game 11/13/23 10:23AM 84 done
    271014 jjroberts Game 11/05/23 07:58AM 94 done
    271011 jjroberts Game 11/05/23 07:44AM 26 done
    270987 jjroberts Object 11/05/23 05:13AM 38 done
    270981 jjroberts Object 11/05/23 04:54AM 34 done
    270353 jjroberts Game 10/26/23 06:25AM 172 done
    265061 Usernameu Concept Sims 3's environments have a huge amount of things to interact with, especially indoors 07/23/23 11:33AM 2 done
    264925 Usernameu Concept ''Levolution returns in Battlefield Hardline, with operable doors introduced. With a greatly expanded range of melee weapons, tools such as breaching hammers can be used to destroy walls or knock down doors.'' 07/21/23 05:55PM 2 done
    264924 Usernameu Concept Destruction 1.0 debuted with Battlefield: Bad Company utilizing Frostbite 1.0. With it, segments of buildings could be obliterated, parts of vehicle body-work could be chipped away, trees could be felled, and the ground could be reshaped by explosions. The Destruction 1.0 mechanic introduced selective destruction, where only certain weapons or objects could cause damage - for instance, a Cobra 4WD couldn't run over a tree, whereas a Black Eagle battle tank could. This limited the amount of destruction that could be caused by certain players in certain scenarios. By creating the Destruction 1.0 mechanic fully with the Frostbite Engine in mind, the DICE developers were able to combine Destruction 1.0, the dynamic lighting and sound mechanics to create a "sandbox world", where the destruction caused by the players would cause the lighting and sound to change with the removal of walls, fences and trees. 07/21/23 05:49PM 4 done
    264922 Usernameu Concept Though much more action esque, but tend to be retain similar interactivity like dishonored 07/21/23 05:44PM 2 done
    264921 Usernameu Concept Almost everything in this game is interactive 07/21/23 05:40PM 2 done
    264920 Usernameu Concept Noticeable newer immersive sims with a lot of interactive objects in their environments 07/21/23 05:36PM 4 done
    264919 Usernameu Concept 3:20 07/21/23 05:30PM 2 done
    264918 Usernameu Concept This game tend to have many interactive objects at the sceneries. Meanwhile players could open and shut doors, lockpick locks, open and shut windows and open and shut Anyways, this game is mainly about objects interaction, pick up things use and manage them 07/21/23 05:19PM 2 done
    264917 Usernameu Concept This game is heavily fucused on physical interactive 07/21/23 05:14PM 2 done
    264916 Usernameu Concept Well, all of them shall be emphasis on Interactive Environments 07/21/23 05:04PM 8 done
    262439 jjroberts Location 06/13/23 01:08AM 20 done
    182170 dnemitz42 Game 10/20/21 10:40PM 76 done
    180487 Marino Game 10/09/21 08:42PM 294 done
    179844 Veilor Franchise 10/06/21 10:29PM 50 done
    179154 PlamzDooM Game 10/01/21 07:26PM 188 done
    179065 Schizotypy Game Note: Even though Total Rendition and Rendition: Guantanomo are both made in Scotland and have "Rendition" in the title, the similarities are mostly in the negative media coverage and the ensuing controversy, as well as the politically sensitive subject matter. The projects themselves aren't related nor is currently any former staff of Rendition: Guantanomo involved. 10/01/21 12:59PM 48 done
    154818 franzlska Game 03/26/21 09:07AM 50 done
    141767 ElContusione Game 12/05/20 12:36PM 10 done
    138550 franzlska Game Added sidebar details to best of my ability. While many themes and styles are present in Worlds, I stuck with "sci-fi" as the theme, as the overall presentation of the game is that each area a user visits is a unique planet, or "world". Locations, concepts, and objects were determined to the best of my ability judging by what is featured prominently in the officially hosted worlds. Also removed previous edit by user "uptocoupons2", as their only addition to the page was a seemingly unrelated and dubiously safe link to a random website, with no other details or context given. Hopefully I'll have the time to add a proper description to the page some time this week. 11/08/20 09:14PM 99 done

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