Dead Space Remake has a teaser

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It looks...fine? I hope there's a higher-res version of this floating around, but there's barely anything to really talk about here. I'm kind of surprised that EA is bringing this back after all this time but I hope they know what they're doing. I don't recall these games ever being massive financial windfalls for them but maybe after the Resident Evil resurgence they're feeling bold?

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It doesn't surprise me that much that EA sees the success of the Resident Evil Remakes and said "We should do that too".

Dead Space was always too scary for me to ever make any progress in that game. Even a few months ago when I tried to go back to it. I just can't handle the anxiety.

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As I wrote in the other video, after all this time of this being basically a known quantity I was hoping they would show more. This would have worked really well as a quick "one more thing" at the end of a big E3 press conference. As a thing that I think a lot of people were anxiously waiting for, falls a little flat. That said I'm curious to see it in action. In my mind those games looked really great when they released and still hold up.. but I haven't touched one in 12 years so I'm sure it's a rose tinted glasses situation.

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If its just a prettier version of the original I'm not interested. Was hoping for a new game in the series.

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@humanity: Agreed. It should've been either "one more thing," or hell, they could've even acknowledged everyone knew it was coming. Yeah, I'm excited for this--those Resident Evil remakes have done quite well, and I love the first Dead Space. I just wish there had been more to show.

I'll just be happy if the remake either makes easier (or, preferably, completely fucking removes) that awful asteroid-shooting section. That section felt old school back then, in 2021, it's positively ancient game design that needs to go the way of the dinosaur.

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#6  Edited By apewins

The original holds up well and is on Game Pass via backwards compatibility, also found DRM-free on GOG. The RE2-3 remakes had a significant upgrade going from fixed camera angles to a behind the back camera, but Dead Space already has that, and dark narrow hallways don't really show the power of next gen. Resident Evil has also been constantly getting new content, leading to new players being interested in the lore and going back to see how it all started. Dead Space on the other hand has been a dead franchise for a while now. The fact that EA already butchered and abandoned this franchise once and is now trying to get us to come back feels a bit icky.

It'll probably look great and there is some excitement in seeing literally any game that isn't held back by last-gen technology. But I won't be buying this and I feel EA might be disappointed by the reception from other fans as well, while new players will be unimpressed, leading this to being a one-off with no sequels, much less new content.

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At some point in the next generation of consoles, someone is going to make a "the remastered remaster you've been waiting for!" joke in a trailer like they're being edgy about another remaster for something where they are totally doing that, and pre-emptively, whoever you are, I'm going to say it right now - you're an asshole, Marty.

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I remember the first 2 games being downright great. Some debate on which genre the second one was in, but still good.

But in a way more generalized, even a bit out of focus take on my part, I was not overwhelmed by anything the EA show put on today, alternating my viewing between here and Nextlander for also other thoughts and views. I just did not take to the commercialized hype big put on . And it makes me a little leery with what EA will have done or have influenced with the new Dead Space. In it's time, Dead Space took a few chances. But all the other whoop-whoop and then the sparse trailer, nope.

I will say this though, I will certainly play the new Dead Space if it is worth it. I have the old game, but I have plenty else to play, become more aware about what other non AAA devs have been doing.

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I hope this is more than just a remaster of DS1. Considering the way the 3rd game's expansion ended, I would love for this to be some weird cosmic horror hellscape where Isaac is basically reliving the event that started it all, only to recognize at some point that he's done it all before. That humanity was consumed, and that this existence is what became of his consciousness post-consumption. The construct begins to unravel, and then he's forced to contend with things unknown; maybe unknowable.

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I was briefly talking about it with fellow moderator @gamer_152, but I really wonder how much of the story will remain untouched. The first Dead Space is certainly not where the franchise gets crazy, but I don't know if this remake will be part of a grand plan.

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While I'm so down for more Dead Space, especially the horror side of it, I don't know how I feel about it being a remake. I guess if it's done well like Demon Souls or FFVII then that's okay. Kind of wish they'd be even more bold and made a new Dead Space game that's not a remake.

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#12  Edited By NTM

Yeah, the original games hold up well enough. That said, Dead Space is one of my favorite game/multimedia franchises (Ignition and Aftermath aren't good and DS3 was, while good overall, a disappointing end to the trilogy). It seems they're going to add in a bit of stuff that'll fit more in line with the sequels, like world-building aspects, and the ability to maneuver in Zero-G. They also mentioned updating the sound design to be more immersive, so I hope that means Dolby Atmos. Frostbite is an engine that can make games look fantastic, but we all know how some have had trouble with it in the past. Hopefully, it'll work out. I actually went through DS1 & 2 late last year or earlier this year, and while I still enjoyed them, they didn't hold up to the high standards I've set for them of the multiple times I've beaten them before. I'm excited about this, but I'm a little worried as a big fan of the game already that it won't be new enough to excite me. I don't want to have the feeling of "been there, done that".

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I hope they fail. They don’t deserve for this to do well. They drove the series into the ground with predatory micro transactions, needlessly shoehorned in multiplayer, and wound up shuttering the studio when they followed EA’s directive. Then forced the creation of the mess that was Dead Space 3 because the CEO of EA didn’t know what video games were and began the “people don’t want single player games” BS. I feel for the people working on this, but this company deserves to make zero dollars off this and people should move on to newer and fresh properties. Competent developers are making a successor to dead space anyway so most people can skip this and just play The Callisto Protocol.