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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight - 03/18/2017

Now that the "dust" has settled on PAX East 2017, it's time to get back into the thick of this deluge of games.

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and as always I, @zombiepie, am honored to be your host. As the boorish cruelties of Winter fall to the wayside to make room for the rejuvenating lights of Spring, the Giant Bomb Community has been up to great works of creativity this week. Whether it be vicarious fantasy adventure or science fiction role-playing the Giant Bomb community had a lot to process this week, and hopefully, this spotlight shows it! Without further ado, let's get on with the site related housekeeping:

PAX East 2017 Content

A bunch of tomfoolery happened at PAX East 2017. The archive of the Giant Bomb Panel has been posted on the site for those that are interested. Beyond that, here are other panels which featured Giant Bomb staff members:

Shit got real at PAX East 2017 (Image provided by Marino)
Shit got real at PAX East 2017 (Image provided by Marino)

Clips Of The Week

Best Of Giant Bomb's Deadly Premonition Endurance Run--04 (By: @clagnaught)

clagnaught published part four of his "Best of Giant Bomb's Deadly Premonition Endurance Run" video series.

Best Of Film & 40s For The Fast And The Furious (By: @mendelson9)

Mendelson9 made a compilation video of his favorite moments from GB East's commentary for The Fast and the Furious.

Best Of Blogs

Is the
Is the "return to form" fans have been promised for over ten years?

Sonic Mania Delay And Sonic Forces Thoughts (By: @eder)

Eder comments on what the delay of Sonic Mania means for him, and his heightened excitement for Sonic Forces on his latest blog.

Does Buying A PS4 Pro Make Me A PlayStation Professional? (By: @jjweatherman)

JJWeatherman recently picked up a PS4 Pro despite thinking the PC would dominate his gaming this generation. Learn what convinced him to purchase Sony's latest console.

To Giant Bomb Duders: What Was Nier? The Basics (By: @vortextk)

Vortextk crafted a helpful primer on the Nier franchise for anyone interested in playing NieR: Automata, but did not play the first game.

What a weird thing....
What a weird thing....

Why Hyrule Warriors Is Such A Great Game; Or, How Nintendo Managed To Get Lunch Table Discussions Into Cartridge Form (By: @marzz4967)

marzz4967 articulates why Hyrule Warriors is a great game on the 3DS, and what continues to draw him into the game to this day.

Playing Breath of the Wild Like a Wildlife Photographer (By: @mantonminnick)

mantonminnick blogs on how the a spectacular time he has had role-playing as a photographer in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Four Months Later, And I'm Still Coming To Grips To The Fact That I Found Dishonored 2 To Be A Resounding Disappointment (By: @jcracken)

jcracken details why Dishonored 2 is a "resounding disappointment" from a narrative and gameplay perspective, he's still coming to terms with.

On Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 And Being On The Wrong Side Of Gaming History (By: @darth_navster)

Darth_Navster uses Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 as a study on how games can be catastrophically on the wrong side of video game history.

The Tree and the Rhizome: Games and their Systems (By: @reubencosmo)

Darth_Navster wrote more about Vegas 2 than anyone did when it released!
Darth_Navster wrote more about Vegas 2 than anyone did when it released!

reubencosmo uses the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari to discuss optimal narrative structure in recently released video games.

Switching To A More Social Link (GB.21) (By: @bonbolapti)

bonbolapti comments on the livable and social world The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild manages to craft on his latest blog.

Three Thoughts - Is PS Plus Bad?; Plus A Farewell to Spelunky (By: @devise22

devise22 openly questions if the quality of PlayStation Plus has worsened over the years, and if it ever justified the investment.

All-New Saturday Summaries 2017-03-18 (By: @mento)

In this week's round-up, Mento presents a new edition of the PS2-centric The Top Shelf, his lukewarm response to Hyper Light Drifter, the importance on first impressions, and a whole lot of Prague-crastination in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

I ask myself
I ask myself "why?" more than I am willing to admit.

Fighting Final Fantasy X Parts 1-13: X Gon' Give It To Ya (By: @zombiepie)

Moderator ZombiePie is up to his old tricks and is playing Final Fantasy X for the first time. Here's a 7,000+ word blog on his first impressions of its baffling display of technical excellence.

Join The Discussion

Help community members in seeing visual awesomeness like this!
Help community members in seeing visual awesomeness like this!

Basic Tips, Tutorials, and Tricks For Breath Of The Wild (By: @reasonableman)

What tips and tricks have you learned from playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Share them with the rest of the Giant Bomb community.

Problems With The Faces In Mass Effect: Andromeda (By: @joker8765)

Are the faces and animations in Mass Effect: Andromeda that big of an issue for you? Share your thoughts on our discussion thread.

Are You Using English Or Japanese Voices In NieR: Automata? (By: @shadow)

For those of you playing NieR: Automata are you sporting the English or Japanese voices? Vote and discuss the matter over here.

Have you been enjoying the cyborg action of NieR: Automata?
Have you been enjoying the cyborg action of NieR: Automata?

NieR on PC - Thoughts On The Port? (By: @humanity)

Speaking of NieR: Automata, what are your initial impressions of the PC version of the game given the negative scuttlebutt surrounding it?

Let's Discuss Your Thoughts On The Story (Spoilers Ahead!) (By: @sackmanjones)

We now have a SPOILER discussion thread related to Horizon: Zero Dawn! Feel free to discuss the ins and outs of the game's story and ending over there.

The Two Cabinets In Your Mini-Arcade? (By: @sparky_buzzsaw)

If you could have two arcade cabinets what would they be? Share and discuss your picks for your dream arcade with the rest of the Giant Bomb community.

Lovable Lists

Gold Mario is S-Tier in competitive Smash play by the way.
Gold Mario is S-Tier in competitive Smash play by the way.

Top 10 Characters Nintendo Should Add To Mario Kart 8 DX Instead Of Gold Mario (By: @darkbeatdk)

Infuriated with Gold Mario being a new character in Mario Kart 8 DX, DarkbeatDK created this list of alternatives.

Brick Breaking Games (Breakout + Clones) (By: @reverendhunt)

ReverendHunt is attempting to create a list of every brick breaking game on the site. Help him out in listing every example!

Useful User Reviews