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Giant Bomb News

The 8th Annual E3 Banner Contest

For the eighth consecutive year, we're kicking off the Giant Bomb E3 festivities with a press conference banner contest!

That feeling you get the first time
That feeling you get the first time "Lockdown" starts playing.

Hey yo! E3 2016 is just a week away! If you've been around this here video game website for a while, then you know that the moderators have been running this contest since 2009. If you're new, the contest asks the community to create the banners that will be placed at the top of each press conference's discussion thread in the forums. Whether you're a Photoshop master or a can't find the color red in MS Paint, you could win! So, read the rules carefully and start making pretty, awesome, terrible, and/or funny stuff!

Each of the six winners will get a FREE MONTH OF PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP on If you're already are a premium member, an extra month will be added to your current subscription.

As an added bonus, which we started last year, each winner will have VIP (BLUE) status in Giant Bomb chat during the press conferences and the nightly Bombcasts throughout E3. That means no cooldown for you! Just keep in mind that we will remove this privilege if you abuse it.

The Rules

  • You can submit up to THREE banners for EACH press conference. So, if you've got multiple genius and/or idiotic ideas, have at it!
  • Although you can submit many banners, you can only win ONCE. For example, if you win Microsoft, you can't win Sony. We gotta spread the love.
  • All banners must be 650 x 150.
  • In spite of @zombiepie and @Trace, animated GIFs are still legal.
  • General forum rules apply (i.e. no nudity or otherwise NSFW stuff).
  • Deadline is Saturday, June 11.
  • While everyone is encouraged to discuss and pick their favorites, winners are chosen only by the moderators.
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The Info

No Caption Provided

Here are the details about when each conference is being held. Use these as you wish. Or don't. Or use incorrect information if you want! It hasn’t stopped people from winning in the past. I've also created a link for you that will automatically translate Pacific Daylight Time into wherever you are.

EA Play 2016

  • Sunday, June 12 @ 1 PM PDT - Club Nokia @ LA Live (Local Time)

The Bethesda E3 Showcase

  • Sunday, June 12 @ 7:00 PM PDT - Dolby Theatre (Local Time)

Xbox E3 2016 Briefing

  • Monday, June 13 @ 9:30 AM PDT - Galen Center (Local Time)

Ubisoft E3 Media Briefing 2016

  • Monday, June 13 @ 1:00 PM PDT - Orpheum Theater (Local Time)

PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference

  • Monday, June 13 @ 6:00 PM PDT - Shrine Auditorium (Local Time)

Nintendo Live @ E3

It's a Lockdown, Baby

Now you know the rules and the basic info you should probably include. So, get to photoshopping, drawing, or even photographing! If you need some inspiration, just check out all of the past winners below.

2015 - Bethesda - zzombie13
2015 - Bethesda - zzombie13
2015 - Microsoft - pickassoreborn
2015 - Microsoft - pickassoreborn
2015 - EA - feckhead
2015 - EA - feckhead
2015 - Ubisoft - casty
2015 - Ubisoft - casty
2015 - Sony - indiana
2015 - Sony - indiana
2015 - Nintendo - gnomeonfire
2015 - Nintendo - gnomeonfire
2015 - Square Enix - gmm
2015 - Square Enix - gmm
2015 - PC - hashy
2015 - PC - hashy
2014 - Sony/aurahack - EA/vincentvendetta - Nintendo/face15 - Microsoft/bigjeffrey - Ubisoft/alcor741
2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009
