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Giant Bomb News


Square Enix Producing Another MMO for Some Reason

Because Final Fantasy XIV turned out so well, right guys? Right...? Hello? Is this text box working?

Despite the fact that the publisher hasn't exactly had the best track record with MMO development thus far-- Final Fantasy XI was tepidly received, but managed a decent audience following; Final Fantasy XIV...not so much--Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada seems awfully sure of the company's ability to develop and maintain a bunch of these things.

I don't know what the hell that is, but it seemed like a pretty good visual metaphor for Final Fantasy XIV. Because it's weird, and on fire.
I don't know what the hell that is, but it seemed like a pretty good visual metaphor for Final Fantasy XIV. Because it's weird, and on fire.

In a transcript posted yesterday of the publisher's May 13th earnings call--which was translated by Andriasang--Wada stated that the company has a new MMO title in development that the company hopes to announce in this fiscal year. What that title is, exactly, is unclear at the moment, but it is something separate from the current titles Squeenix already maintains. Wada believes that the company having two-to-three different online subscription-based titles will help maintain the company's cash flow.

That probably doesn't do much to quell the seething hate currently residing within anyone still playing Final Fantasy XIV. Wada did apparently go out of his way to mention the problems currently plaguing that title and to state that fixing it will take a little longer, but that a "target" is in sight. So that's reassuring. Probably. Okay, not really.

Also, no word yet on that PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV, but I'm guessing there's not very many of you out there still keeping a candle burning for that one.

Alex Navarro on Google+